The holiday season can be challenging to say the least. We often underestimate the energy it takes to accomplish all that we do in the holiday season. There is the financial burden, the diverse personalities to contend with, the holiday parties, the overindulgence in food and beverage ... no wonder we make New Years resolutions.
So how can you recover from the fun but stressful holiday season?
First you need to honor where you are. Take some time to evaluate your year; appreciate the good and be gentle and understanding with yourself regarding the not so good.
Don't make any extreme changes. These are not likely to last and they are more likely to frustrate and discourage you than help. Instead, after you have completed your evaluation, come up with a plan (either by yourself or with a coach or therapist) to make small adjustments that will have a greater and lasting impact in your life.
Make the plan concrete. The more structured your plan is the more likely you are to follow through with it. Write your plan down or put it in your smartphone for quick access. Keep a journal of the change/s. Avoid being to harsh on yourself if you do not stick exactly to the plan, but rather notice the barriers to the success of your plan and address them or adjust the plan.
Have a Happy and Healthy 2014!
So how can you recover from the fun but stressful holiday season?
First you need to honor where you are. Take some time to evaluate your year; appreciate the good and be gentle and understanding with yourself regarding the not so good.
Don't make any extreme changes. These are not likely to last and they are more likely to frustrate and discourage you than help. Instead, after you have completed your evaluation, come up with a plan (either by yourself or with a coach or therapist) to make small adjustments that will have a greater and lasting impact in your life.
Make the plan concrete. The more structured your plan is the more likely you are to follow through with it. Write your plan down or put it in your smartphone for quick access. Keep a journal of the change/s. Avoid being to harsh on yourself if you do not stick exactly to the plan, but rather notice the barriers to the success of your plan and address them or adjust the plan.
Have a Happy and Healthy 2014!